IsiZulu grade 11 (22 January 2015)

This was the first grade 11 IsiZulu lesson i attended. The learners were doing "Ubuningi" as a revision activity.

I learned that once the learners are familiar with your expectations and rules in terms of discipline, it really becomes easy to get straight into the lesson and let learning take place.

There was a discussion about the activity done in class, in an attempt to see how much the learners remember and whether it was safe to move on. This was done through a series of questions that were asked and we came to a conclusion that the learners had not forgotten anything and it was safe to proceed. 

I also learned something new in grammar, which is concerned with the correctness of a concept based on the rules taught in class and how it is normally applied in the real world.

Being approachable and creating an atmosphere within which learning can flourish is really imperative. So lightenning up the atmosphere through general conversation can put the boys at ease. It is crucial however to bear in mind the requirements of the laissez-faire style of leadership, which is a combination of both the autocratic style and the democratic style of leadership; firm but affectionate conduct.

Things to think about:

"Kids only learn from people they like"


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